Datin Ellis Official Blog: Siapa Ada Kat Area KLANG or SHAH ALAM..Jom Jupe

i Love this Quotes

"I asked Allah for strength & Allah gave me difficulties to make me strong, I asked Allah for wisdom & Allah gave me problems to solve, I asked Allah for courage & Allah gave me obstacles to overcome, I asked Allah for love & Allah gave me troubled people to help, I asked Allah for favours & Allah gave me opportunities.... Maybe I recieved nothing I wanted, but I received everything I needed.".....Alhamdulillah :)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Siapa Ada Kat Area KLANG or SHAH ALAM..Jom Jupe

currently i ada kat klang..baru jerk sampai ni..bese la kan..sesampai jek i terus online..ekekek..actually datang sini sebab nak p hospital melawat orang saket..tapi disebabkan kakak i dapat kuar arini..kami just terus datang umah die je....

i kat klang ni sampai esok je...esok tengahari i dah balek melake balek...huhu..sebab petang abang ipar i kene duty plak..haishh..kalo x boleh balek lewat sket...tapi nak wat camne kan...i pon nak balek awal sebab hari isnin i keje...

ehem..dah terlanjur i ade kat sini..sesape yang ade kat area berdekatan..jom la jupe..jom..jom..nak tak?? ekeke.. :D

k la..i nak makan jap..sat g i nak blogwalking plak..tunggu tauuuuuuu.....

p/s :- angah..kontes yang ko tag aku tu nanti aku buat eh..ekekek..

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