Datin Ellis Official Blog: Dinner + DRESS Merah

i Love this Quotes

"I asked Allah for strength & Allah gave me difficulties to make me strong, I asked Allah for wisdom & Allah gave me problems to solve, I asked Allah for courage & Allah gave me obstacles to overcome, I asked Allah for love & Allah gave me troubled people to help, I asked Allah for favours & Allah gave me opportunities.... Maybe I recieved nothing I wanted, but I received everything I needed.".....Alhamdulillah :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dinner + DRESS Merah

eh korang..i nak p dinner kat hotel...so i ingat i nak pakai dress la..for sure la i akan pilih dress warna merah..sebab i memang obses gile dengan warna merah...huhuhu...

semalam i pergi tesco..so, i ade masuk satu butik ni..butik tu just jual dress for muslimah...i tak berapa nak berkenan ngan dress tu sebab dah macam kepak kelawar plak..ekekek...i tak minat la tangan macam kepak kelawar tu...

i ingat i nak carik dress yang tangan slim je...cam gambar kat atas  ni..cantek kan..i x mo cam kepak2 kelawar...ehehe..i suke cutting cam gambar kat atas ni..but kain yang meleret kat belakang tu i x mau la...dah macam pengantin plak nanti...

i ingat nak try carik kat dataran pahlawan or area melaka raya...kat situ je kot butik yang banyak jual dress...hopefully dress yang i imagine kan ni ade...

tapi, mesti mahal kan....i bajet dress tu x lebih darik 200 hengget....if lebih sket dlm 250 tu still ok la lagik....

eh..kalau u all ada jumpa dress ni kat memane..pls inform me okay....


Unknown said...

sewa kat pengantin jer la dik..hehe..salam kenal ek.

nazirulhazwan~ said...

babe, pegi sunway. ade satu kedai, forgot the name la, tp ade dual baju utk dinner murah2, nati i check blk wif my aweks name kedai die.hehe

nazirulhazwan~ said...

babe, pegi sunway. ade satu kedai, forgot the name la, tp ade dual baju utk dinner murah2, nati i check blk wif my aweks name kedai die.hehe

Nureen said...

cari kat dataran..smlm baru pg..ada nampak, tp xingat kedai ape nama dy..but, try dlu la tgok kat sane..MEGA SALE uh..hehe..