Datin Ellis Official Blog: Esok Tak Cuti...Sapa Kata Cuti??

i Love this Quotes

"I asked Allah for strength & Allah gave me difficulties to make me strong, I asked Allah for wisdom & Allah gave me problems to solve, I asked Allah for courage & Allah gave me obstacles to overcome, I asked Allah for love & Allah gave me troubled people to help, I asked Allah for favours & Allah gave me opportunities.... Maybe I recieved nothing I wanted, but I received everything I needed.".....Alhamdulillah :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Esok Tak Cuti...Sapa Kata Cuti??

 boss...kot ye pon x bg cuti jgn la cakap smpai gune speaker...

sapa kate esok cuti hah?? mana de..memandai je...siyes weh esok tak cuti..esok keje!!! keje!!! keje!!!...haishh tensen aku wehh...

tak aci..tak aci...orang len sume sedap cuti...tapi i tak cuti...huwaaaa..pepagi  lagik tadi i dah kol bos dengan harapan esok kami cuti jugak..tapi bos i kata..esok KEJE!!!! tak de cuti-cuti...i terus terdiam >_<. ..tak mampu nak berkata ape-ape...kahkah..padan muke ko ellis...

p/s :- nak sesiap p umah bos..pujuk suh cuti esok..hopefully berjaya.....aminn..


Miss Shizu said...

sama lah kiter.esok keje jugak lah.huu

Izwan said...

esok kelas byk cancel.. hehe

Qib said...

sabar la yer. hehe. kami cuti ><

"Above all Life should be fun!"
"Take time for some Fun in Your Life Today!"

| Soccer FIGHT | Cute RAINBOW|

Anonymous said...

macy masih cuti. hik3

bdw, nape wt blog baru? macy nye blog da buang sbox. huhu

Anonymous said...

oo.. kena keja r camtu hehe..

jemput sini yer
blog Serbaguna
blog Matdin

Nuar El-Ummar said...

sianye...xpe angapla wat keje tu mcm cuti..huhu^^

Mr.TN_SkY said...

uish..saya cuti jew..ahaha