Datin Ellis Official Blog: PEACE Contest

i Love this Quotes

"I asked Allah for strength & Allah gave me difficulties to make me strong, I asked Allah for wisdom & Allah gave me problems to solve, I asked Allah for courage & Allah gave me obstacles to overcome, I asked Allah for love & Allah gave me troubled people to help, I asked Allah for favours & Allah gave me opportunities.... Maybe I recieved nothing I wanted, but I received everything I needed.".....Alhamdulillah :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

PEACE Contest

huhu..i di TAG oleh ily untuk join peace contest yang di anjurkan oleh cik Ezan Idma...disebabkan contest ni nampak menarik..so, i pon cam tertarik jugak la nak join contest ni..ekekek..best..best...

puas i selongkar segale bagai folder yang ade lam pc i ni..akhirnya dapat jugak cari gamba peace..ekekek...dalam banyak-banyak gamba...gamba ni yang i tertarik untuk dipertandingkan...jom kite tengok...

tyme ni tgh men bowling kat MIBC...i yg tgh wat peace..

ehem..ehem..cik penganjur...gambar ni okay tak?? ekeke..hopefully i terpilih la eh...so, dengan ini..secare rasminye i nak tag :-

buat jangan tak buat..ekeke


nanie said...

err,i bnyak gila gmbar peace..
tgah pening cari gmbar..kihkih

cik aiLebiu said...

alamak dear..i baru on9..sempat lg ke nk join ni? huhu btw thx dear...

Unknown said...

thnks join ey.. Goodluck :)))