Datin Ellis Official Blog: Oh Belog!!! Thanks So Much..Traffic Saye Naik..En. Nuffnang Saya Mahu Buffered Earning :)

i Love this Quotes

"I asked Allah for strength & Allah gave me difficulties to make me strong, I asked Allah for wisdom & Allah gave me problems to solve, I asked Allah for courage & Allah gave me obstacles to overcome, I asked Allah for love & Allah gave me troubled people to help, I asked Allah for favours & Allah gave me opportunities.... Maybe I recieved nothing I wanted, but I received everything I needed.".....Alhamdulillah :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Oh Belog!!! Thanks So Much..Traffic Saye Naik..En. Nuffnang Saya Mahu Buffered Earning :)

salam all...morning...selamat menyambut isra' mikraj malam neh..

hurmm...actually i just nak cite pasal Oh Belog!!!!...i pon x tau camne i boleh ter-register ngan Oh Belog neh...Oh Belog neh lebeh kurang macam gengblogger la..nak ping-ping posting blog korang tu kan..tapi Oh Belog neh best sket tau...die neh bukan stakat ping blog..tapi kalo kite install widget die kat blog kite...ape yang blog lain post akan kuar kat widget tu..then ape yang kite post plak akan kuar kat widget blog orang-orang lain....best kan?? fair & square..ekekek

Oh Belog ni salah satu penyumbang trafik yang banyak kat lam blog korang jugak...siyes wehh!!! i x tipo...i baru jerk gune mende neh...lebih kurang dalam 3-4 hari  kot...so far, sangat menakjubkan okeh trafik...

memang la b4 pasang widget Oh Belog neh pon traffic i sentiasa ada..even i x blogwalking pon..blog i still 200++ traffic yang masuk sehari..kalo blogwalking lagik la kan ramai...

widget Oh Belog yang i pasang kat atas entry neh..neh posting from 3 blog org lain yang kuar kat blog i.....

pastu sejak i pasang widget Oh Belog neh..tetibe i tengok 2-3 hari neh..traffic i makin banyak...dan sume tu from Oh Beloh..huhuhu..

tapi kan yang paling best kalo blog kite tgh running buffered earning kan...ekeke..sure gempak earning yang kite dapat...kalo korang berminat nak try Oh Belog neh..leh la try kat sini...selamat mencuba :)

en Nuffnang..i nak Buffered Earning lagi...bagi la 2-3 ke kan..ekekek :)


Ken Wooi said...

more traffic = fun :)

Oh!Belog said...

thanks.. :)

ingat more widget more traffic you akan dapat.. :)

::NABILA RAIHAN :: said...

bagilah tips macam mane nak daptkan BE. saya register dah lama dekat setahun ko.huhu. sampai sekarang cuma ada RM 1 lebih. cmane org boleh dapat sampai ratus-ratus eh?huhu share lah sikit:)