Datin Ellis Official Blog: Payudara Rozita Che Wan Kena Sengat Lebah !!..Besarnya Payudara Rozita Che Wan..Mantop!!

i Love this Quotes

"I asked Allah for strength & Allah gave me difficulties to make me strong, I asked Allah for wisdom & Allah gave me problems to solve, I asked Allah for courage & Allah gave me obstacles to overcome, I asked Allah for love & Allah gave me troubled people to help, I asked Allah for favours & Allah gave me opportunities.... Maybe I recieved nothing I wanted, but I received everything I needed.".....Alhamdulillah :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Payudara Rozita Che Wan Kena Sengat Lebah !!..Besarnya Payudara Rozita Che Wan..Mantop!!

i pon agak minat la dengan Rozita Che Wan neh..belek punye belek gamba-gamba dia..sekali cam terpana ngan gamba neh....erkk..ape kebendenye neh...

tah bile masenye plak tetibe leh beso jadik cam gitu...i x mo cakap bebanyak..korang tengok la sendirik....

eh cop..tetibe i tertarik ngan komen bebudak kat bawah neh..yang last skali..ekekeke.. :P


Colourful Life said...

itu namanya pandangan sisi, jom tgok pandangan atas dan depan di..



Ken Wooi said...

kena photoshop ke?