Datin Ellis Official Blog: Ada Toyol Kat Umah i..Spesis Toyol 20 Hengget!!

i Love this Quotes

"I asked Allah for strength & Allah gave me difficulties to make me strong, I asked Allah for wisdom & Allah gave me problems to solve, I asked Allah for courage & Allah gave me obstacles to overcome, I asked Allah for love & Allah gave me troubled people to help, I asked Allah for favours & Allah gave me opportunities.... Maybe I recieved nothing I wanted, but I received everything I needed.".....Alhamdulillah :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ada Toyol Kat Umah i..Spesis Toyol 20 Hengget!!

i rasa ada hantu toyol la kat umah i...siyes weh...memule hari tu duit i ilang 20 hengget....pastu i buat mcm tak kesah je la..mybe sbb i tercicir kot...or i salah letak ke kan..sbb i ni suke main tukar-tukar beg..kenkadang duit tu ade la terselit kat memane kan...

tapi pagi tadik bile cousin i cakap duit die ilang 20 hengget..tetibe i teringat ujung bulan 12 aritu pun duit i pun ilang 20 hengget jugak...erkk..pekes neh asyik ilang 20 hengget je...x kan la ni jenis toyol yang suke amek duit 20 hengget pulak...duit 50 xnak plak die amek..tapi die berkenan kat duit 20 hengget. je...agak pelik kat situ....toyol spesis ape kah itu?? ni yang i kene berjage memalam ni nak tgk betul ke toyol yang kecik cocomel pale bulat tu or toyol berkepale hitam..jeng..jeng..jeng....

p/s :- kalau betul toyol kepale hitam memang nak kene ketuk dengan tukul besi kepale die tuh...


soutulmujahid.com said...

citer betol ke citer lawak doraemon ni?

Roket Kertaz said...

rm20 je ..?? bagus sungguh toyol 2.. x tamak..

Datin Ellis Suriyani said...

cite betul la..haishh

Datin Ellis Suriyani said...

@Roket..tu la pasal..boleh kan 20 hengget jerk die nak..

kentangkiler said...

singah n follow blog sy...
btw im following ur blog....
nice n best entry

fara feroza said...

uik toyol...takutnya....:)

Anonymous said...

sikit sangat dia curi tu.. hehe..

jemput sini yer
blog Matdin