Datin Ellis Official Blog: We Asked Lisa Surihani : Jumlah Hantaran Kahwin & How I Met Your Mother.

i Love this Quotes

"I asked Allah for strength & Allah gave me difficulties to make me strong, I asked Allah for wisdom & Allah gave me problems to solve, I asked Allah for courage & Allah gave me obstacles to overcome, I asked Allah for love & Allah gave me troubled people to help, I asked Allah for favours & Allah gave me opportunities.... Maybe I recieved nothing I wanted, but I received everything I needed.".....Alhamdulillah :)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

We Asked Lisa Surihani : Jumlah Hantaran Kahwin & How I Met Your Mother.

siyes Lisa Surihani memang cantek..sweet gitu tengok die neh..patut la abang yusry terpikat..kan..kan..kan...ekekek..same cantek same padan..seswai la sangat-sangat kan..awwww!!

actually pihak OhBulan.com ada chat ngan Lisa...then pihak OhBulan tanya la bape hantaran untuk pinang Lisa kan...korang nak tau ape jawapan Lisa Surihani??? jom tengok bawah neh :-

bace mesej kat gamba neh dari bawah ke atas...

ikhlas?? meaning..x kisah la pon kan bape je yang ade eh..ekeke

ehem...kalau betol pon..ape salahnye kan..kan..kan...

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