Datin Ellis Official Blog: Contest Gamba Paling Comel

i Love this Quotes

"I asked Allah for strength & Allah gave me difficulties to make me strong, I asked Allah for wisdom & Allah gave me problems to solve, I asked Allah for courage & Allah gave me obstacles to overcome, I asked Allah for love & Allah gave me troubled people to help, I asked Allah for favours & Allah gave me opportunities.... Maybe I recieved nothing I wanted, but I received everything I needed.".....Alhamdulillah :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Contest Gamba Paling Comel

yeayy..arini ellis nak join kontes..bajet cumel la tuh...kehkeh..kontes ni dianjurkan oleh si cumel neh niza ....hmm, ellis x de la cumel pon cam niza neh..tapi bile tengok 2..3..4 kali  gambar neh ellis rase agak cumel gak la..kehkeh...sangat x bleh blah la ellis neh puji diri sendirik..haishh..anak sapa lah neh..

so, gambar yang ellis nak pertaruhkan ialah...jeng..jeng..jeng... :-

errr..cik pengajur...gamba ni aci x?? kehkeh..maleh nak godek-godek pc i..i main amek jerk gamba neh kat facebook...kehkeh....k la..hopefully ellis menang..amin...

so, dengan ini..ellis nak tag 3 orang untuk join this contest :-

selamat mencuba~~ :)


cik aiLebiu said...

alamak..dah lama x join contest huhuhu...nnti i buat k...thx ;)

cik nur said...

hurm nur doakan menang eh amin pastuh meh nk jempi2 ckit gambar nie hahaha

NiEzA aNiEyZa said...

comel2..gud luck..thanks join.. :)

MasTer Q said...

ich waw, comelnye awek kat atas nee, ,

bleh minto numbe ponsel die, ,
